Flat Cat Records

Flat Cat Records


Flat Cat TV

Independent Internet Television

Featuring LIVE performances 📺

The Journey

Flat Cat Radio began in 2007 as a weekly show featuring interviews, music and live performances by Southern California based independent artists. The show ran through 2010. Flat Cat Radio was re-launched in 2016 and featured live performances streamed from various venues in the greater Southern California area. It ran through 2018. The latest incarnation of Flat Cat Radio is Flat Cat TV, which featured Dave Strauss performing solo, streaming live on multiple social media platforms. The show aired weekly from 2021 through 2022.

Audio archives of all Flat Cat Radio shows that originally aired from 2007 through 2010 are available by request free of charge. Below is a list of all the artists who appeared on the show:

Courtney Chambers - Denise Vasquez - John Romano - Jeannie Willets - Brent Crowe - Eileen Carey - Duff Ferguson - Leila Florentino - Tom Fair - Molly Howson - Dale LaDuke - Mister B - Mark Moran - TJR - Jason Farnham - Jennifer Gail - The Cherry Bluestorms - Chris Burgan - Jimi Yamagishi - Stephen GC - Mallory Trunnell - Melinda Ortner - Deron Wade - Donny Fausner - JVonD - Meredith Meyer - Andrea Hamilton - Danielle Gaha - Genevieve - Amy LaCour - Kristy Hanson - Holly Light - Holly Overin - Debbie Hennessey - Isaac Johnson - Leerone - Kelly Z - Abe Quigley - Daddy Bone - Gilli Moon - Swivel - Dave Travis - Big Dave McConnell - DGA - Priscilla Ulloa - Michael Ann - Jenni Alpert - Sherie Davis - Pirates of the Black Swan - Toygrrr - Chris Cargill - Clare Means - Andrea Miller - Lisa Douglass - Goh Kurosawa - Allegra Shock - Alex May - Justefanie - Katrina Parker - The Afternooners - Hanna Kondo - Aleksandra Sever - John M - Brooke Trout - Pete Hopkins - John Wilson - Mark Alciati - Deedee O'Malley - Lauren Blaine - Maria Orieta - Amanda Abizaid - Susan Picking - Sabrina & Craig - Nicole Gordon - Richard Marchetta - Deborah Crooks - Shaun Cromwell - James Hurley - Debra Davis - James Sudakow - Peter Quentin - Lorin Hart - Liz Nash - Carrie Wade - Kutsal - John Stowers - Jim Hanft - Brett Mikels - Gary Fuges - Veronique Chevalier - Trish Lester - John Paul - Jen Knight - Sal and Isela - Brian Travis - Steve Carroll - Ramekega - Kathryn Grimm - Theresa Walker - Cleo Antonelli - Brian Irwin - Dan O'Sullivan - Jim Barile - Stefana - Linda Geleris - Brooke Wilkes - Gayle Day - Seeing Thingz - Under Water - Andy Creighton - Kat Blackwell - Rhiana Lewis - Karen Hart - Manda Mosher - Annette Conlon - Brandon Schott - David Piper - Sonya Kahn - Sarah Goff - Death to Anders - Barbara Martin - Ascent - Tim Jones - Paulina Logan - Chris Laterzo - Davie Gayle - The Patchwork Quilt Fallacy - Shakeh - Lita Neumann - Ric Taylor - Patricia Bahia - Dean Acevedo - Chris Valenti - John Zipperer - Shaheen Sheik - Bumtech - Johnny Tredent - Jude Hernandez - Tracy Newman - Mobetta Loretta - Peach - John Henry Copen - Cheris - Serenity - LeReverie - Javelyn - John Batdorf - Amy Raasch - Carol Martini - Leandra Graves - Kinkade LA - Neverwonder - Michelle Vreeland - Garret Swayne - Erin Muir - Daniel Blak - Lauren Adams - VK Lynne - Annelise LeCheminant - Summer Lynn - Alyson Sichenzia - Mythical Bird - Starfire - John Kaye - Sara Petite - Katie Garibaldi - Crazy Aunt Mary

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